Archive for March 26, 2008

Day two – from press to party

A great start to the day! On the way into the festival today I picked up the Edinburgh Metro on the bus to find one of the mirror pictures in the paper.  Apparently a similar image was in the Scotsman and Roland was on one of today’s Scotsman video interviews. As I walked in the Assembly Room side doors I overheard some kids waiting for Wonderama to open for the day saying that they wanted to do Splodge and the Magnificent Milling Machine.

The day proceeded well.  The booking system has been refined, and Steve’s backbone is stronger then ever.  We must remember to close the tap when replacing the fluid though :).  A couple of laptops arrived to boost the Zooks power and we have reverted to hour long slots for the Design-a-Zook, so that both the machines and the Cyberneers can get a break between sessions. 

I had to leave just after noon for a meeting at the University, hoping that everyone managed to get a lunch break.  I also did some laminating of signs and nametags and a quick trip to the local cash and carry to buy them out of their remaining easter eggs for the Mixing it up crew.

Then it was back to Wonderama for the EISF 20th birthday party.  There was much festivities, photographs and food.  Prof Andy Walker came to show his support and there were various dignatories from the local council, as well as from the other sponsers.  Patricia Erskine of Edinburgh University also visited our stand.

March 26, 2008 at 10:45 pm Leave a comment

March 2008
