Day I don’t know anymore – missing T’s & Pi’s Radio Debut

April 1, 2008 at 7:45 pm Leave a comment

The days are fast merging into each other and I no longer know what day it is. I do know we are into the last week now. A new set of demonstrators are coming on board this week, bring fresh enthusiasm with them. Some of us are waning and succumbing to the onslaught of infections that comes with dealing with a multitude of young children. I think it would be advisable to include information about boosting immune systems in the training sessions!

One issue with fresh demonstrators is the lack of t-shirts. I ordered 75 t-shirts for the 50+ demonstrators who volunteered. But last Friday the extra t-shirts disappeared. I am aware that some Cyberneers took 2 t-shirts, but I would still expect there to be 10-15 t-shirts left. So for those of you who did take extra t-shirts please return them, as some of the new starts didn’t attend training day and so don’t have t-shirts. The rest of you keep your eyes peeled for people wearing day glow t-shirts falsely claiming they are Cyberneers!!

Today both Pi and Amy made their radio debut when the Naked Scientist team came to record Pi’s whitterings. We are hoping they will be broadcast on Sunday 6th April at 6:00pm on BBC Radio Cambridgeshire. The Naked Scientist is an EPSRC funded project which is

“a media-savvy group of physicians and researchers from Cambridge University who use radio, live lectures, and the Internet to strip science down to its bare essentials, and promote it to the general public.”

You can get their shows via podcast here:

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Day three – Favourites Day I don’t know + 1 – Teachers & Dynamic Earth

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April 2008
