Day I don’t know + 1 – Teachers & Dynamic Earth

April 2, 2008 at 10:43 pm Leave a comment

Today was the day that the teachers came to visit.  Wendy form Edinburgh and Laura from Dunbar.  Both had seen our exhibits last year and had contacted us before asking if we went out to schools.  Well now with the Royal Academy of Engineering (RAEng) project Imagineering Schools Road Show we do.  So we will be in touch with them and make the trips to inspire a few more children with our Imagineering magic!

An extract of an email from Wendy:

 I thought the Cyberneering workshops at the Wonderama were fabulous, my little girl and her friend were fascinated by all the activities.  Well done for inspiring them and all the hard work.

We also had Conor from Dynamic Earth enquiring if we would be interested in us participating in a “careers fair” for P7-S2’s in October.  This is the exact age group that we are targeting in the Imagineering project, but the Design-a-Zook and Splodge activities would suit this event. 

It just goes to show how valuable our participation in the Wonderama venue is for developing new contacts for public engagement activities!  Yeah 🙂 .

Entry filed under: Event.

Day I don’t know anymore – missing T’s & Pi’s Radio Debut Day 11-3 = 9 – Shortages, Fab Reviews, Party Decisions & Saturday Breakfast

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April 2008
