Archive for April 3, 2008

Plans for the Get-out

Current plans for the get out are as follows:

Saturday 5th April

5pm – start packing up as much as possible

Sunday 6th April

9am – some to meet at Assembly Rooms to continue packing, others to meet up at HW to collect vans

10am – vans at assembly rooms for first load

11 am – vans leave Assembly Rooms with first load

11:30 am – vans unloaded at HW Mech Eng stores

12:30 – van(s) leave HW

13:00 – van(s) arrive at Assembly Rooms for second load

14:00 – van(s) depart Assembly Rooms (most people go home)

14:30 – van(s) arrive at HW to be partially unloaded at HW Mech Eng stores – the tables stay on the van

15:30 – everyone else goes home

This is of course a rough guide. 

Who should go where?  Jim will be at the assembly rooms early on Sunday to pack up Pi.  The drivers should of course go to HW where I will meet them at Mech Eng stores. Most people should head to Assembly rooms for 9 am (Note parking is free on Sunday).  Those who will work at HW only should be at Mech Eng Stores for 11:30 am.

April 3, 2008 at 11:03 pm Leave a comment

Day 11-3 = 9 – Shortages, Fab Reviews, Party Decisions & Saturday Breakfast

Only two more days left now.  Things are starting to run out.  I think we may have just enough candles to get through the next two days, but the sticker sheets are running low.  I am not sure where they are going.  I am sure I ordered 1K of them, and then another 1K at the end of last week.  But we ordered 2K of each of the stickers, and there still seems to be loads of stickers left, but only 200 sticker sheets…must be doing my sums wrong. There are loads of maps left, and I ordered 1K of them.

News from the EISF evaluator is that she’s had a number of kids raving about the Cyberneering exhibits, claiming they were the best things in Wonderama. I’ve also had some nice emails from the staff who attended on Sunday.

Re the party survey (ie where and when we should have a party)  the current results are leaning towards a party in town at the beginning of next term, so I will decline the offer of tickets from the EISF for Sunday 7th. 

For those who will be working on Saturday, Madlab will be providing breakfast in the ballroom from 8:45 to 9:15.

April 3, 2008 at 10:45 pm Leave a comment

April 2008
