Plans for the Get-out

April 3, 2008 at 11:03 pm Leave a comment

Current plans for the get out are as follows:

Saturday 5th April

5pm – start packing up as much as possible

Sunday 6th April

9am – some to meet at Assembly Rooms to continue packing, others to meet up at HW to collect vans

10am – vans at assembly rooms for first load

11 am – vans leave Assembly Rooms with first load

11:30 am – vans unloaded at HW Mech Eng stores

12:30 – van(s) leave HW

13:00 – van(s) arrive at Assembly Rooms for second load

14:00 – van(s) depart Assembly Rooms (most people go home)

14:30 – van(s) arrive at HW to be partially unloaded at HW Mech Eng stores – the tables stay on the van

15:30 – everyone else goes home

This is of course a rough guide. 

Who should go where?  Jim will be at the assembly rooms early on Sunday to pack up Pi.  The drivers should of course go to HW where I will meet them at Mech Eng stores. Most people should head to Assembly rooms for 9 am (Note parking is free on Sunday).  Those who will work at HW only should be at Mech Eng Stores for 11:30 am.

Entry filed under: Get out.

Day 11-3 = 9 – Shortages, Fab Reviews, Party Decisions & Saturday Breakfast Day 11 – Pheww..its over

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April 2008
