The get-out – its all gone!

April 6, 2008 at 8:15 pm Leave a comment

Its amazing how quickly things can go up and come down again. The East Drawing room has a completely different feel about it now that the banners are down, and the trussing is dissassembled. We did take advantage of that old addage many hands make light work.  We spent an hour or so packing up on Saturday after Wonderama had closed to the public, and then the majority of items were moved downstairs as the vans were collected from the university first thing (9am) on Sunday morning. We needed to do two runs, but it was all done and dusted by 2pm.

So now its time to spend time recovering and rebuilding relationships with those who have been tolerant of all the extra hours and stress that being invovled in the Science Festival entails. We’ll need to count up the returned cards and questionnaires, return borrowed items, pack things away, do some reflection and brainstorming and put in a bid for funding to do it all again next year! Oh and there’s a party to plan too. And then back to our usual lives with a little extra cheerfulness or glow knowing we have made alot of people happy and that we may have even inspired a few to become engineers like us!

Photos by Tadhg O’Donovan




Entry filed under: Get out.

Day 11 – Pheww..its over Link to Amy and Pi’s Interview

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April 2008
